Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is a child with Down Syndrome worth living?

We need to think about this before answering the question. In my college ministry, students asked me to give seminars on the topics they are interested. abortion is one of the topics. Al Mohler recently wrote an article on aborting babies with Down Syndrome. In the medical community and parents are facing huge moral, ethical, religious issue at hand. We just had a new born baby in July, 2009. During pregnancy, the doctor has given us an option to find out if the unborn child may have a Down Syndrome. We've decided not to find out. Over the resent years, the birth of babies with the Down Syndrome has decreased by 15 %. In the future a simple blood test find out a definitive diagnosis of one of more of the genetic variants of Down syndrome. More parents will receive the testing and will face the choice to abort the baby when the diagnosis suggests the risk of DS in the baby. Dr. Brian Skotko's (expert on DS)research indicating that 92 percent of women who learn they are carrying a baby with Down syndrome choose to abort the pregnancy. "As new tests become available, will babies with Down syndrome slowly disappear?" What does this say about our society's value on human life? Is a child with Down Syndrome worth living? Or, can we celebrate life with the Down Syndrome? Tell me what you think.


Unknown said...

this is a very hard subject =P

but if it were me, i'd rather not find out if my kid has DS before he/she was born...


Thomas Park said...

Thanks Taeyoung for the comments. That's we have done, we chose not to find out.

Eun-Hye Rho said...

haha.. yea. that is hard. especially if I were the mother.

But looking at it in a christian's view.. nothing is a mistake... right? God has a purpose for everyone of us right? God doesn't make mistakes so why should we try to destroy one of God's creation. And last of all.. in the human minds ( or in human nature) we tend to think of people who are different to us as "weird" or "wrong" or call them "mistakes".. why can't we just say that they are different and end of story? it's not wrong to be different.

whether I found out if my kid had DS or not I would not abort the baby either way.

I wouldn't want to test it out in the first place because... why would I need to if I would never abort a baby?

sorry this was long... lol I'm kinda detailed when it comes to writing...

Thomas Park said...

Thanks Eunhye for bringing your Christian perspective. However, in reality, some decision are hard, even tough we know what is right. How often we find ourselves knowing what must be done, but don't follow through by conviction. A part of reason it is hard is because living a Christian life, making the right decision and following through is not easy. And we tend to justify our action (not following through the principle or conviction). I am not saying we need to justify all our action, but we need to think through some of the issues.

Unknown said...

I don't think life is something that human should have control over. If we do, the next step will be to abort all the ugly babies that society does not value as much. And it goes on. How awful to abort your own son and daughter?

J. Hwang said...

hey pastor thomas! just found out you had a blog (: