Tuesday, March 30, 2010

can boys grown up with nannies become womanizers?

Recently, we have been hearing about sex scandal issues with Catholic bishops 9and priest. And I was a bit disappointed when I heard the news about Tiger Wood's adultery. I am a father of four children. My wife and I love our children, who don't love their children? For different reasons, parents hire nannies to help their children. One article says, "Mothers who outsource the care of their sons to other women may be inadvertently raising adulterers." It is quite understandable to think that being nurtured by nannies, kids needs are met by anyone other than the parents, may contribute to many child development. In Koran immigrant family context,often we see kids were grown up with their grandparents. In that case, the grand parents play a significant roles their lives. So those boys grown up with the most of nurturing by nannies other than their Moms may become womanizers. Is it a far fetched idea? I think it is, however, it is something that the parents should give careful thought and prioritize especially during the infant childhood.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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Vicky Silvers